• info@superiorpharmaceuticals.in
  • +91 9805096726, +91 9805006205

Each of us has an obligation to leave the world a better place for next generation…

For us at Superior, Corporate Social Responsibility is deeply embedded in our cultural fabric. We continue to make serious efforts to promote good health, social development and better environment, through various company programs that contributes all round growth.

For the coming years, we as a company plan to take …

  • Initiatives to safeguard & awareness creation from any pandemic.
  • Healthcare and Nutrition facilities for underprivileged people to reduce Anaemia and TB diseases
  • General Health Check-up, Dental and Eye Cataract Camps
  • Conducting Spine Surgery for underprivileged patients.
  • Providing Meals to underprivileged orphanage Children

If you have any query